

的学生: You must accept your 最可靠的买彩票平台 admission offer and pay the $250 enrollment deposit with the University before applying for student housing. 完成这个过程之后, 在我们的系统将您识别为学生之前,您可能需要等待最多四(4)个工作日. 如果你不能登录到学生宿舍门户网站, 我们的系统中还没有您的信息,您需要再等一个工作日. 如果这种情况持续超过四(4)天,请最可靠的买彩票平台的办公室.

  1. Pre-application打开 2024年4月8日星期一上午9点.m. 太平洋标准时间

    您可以在4月8日星期一上午9点开始填写预申请.m. 太平洋标准时间. This pre-application includes everything from selecting your meal plan to setting up your roommate profile and choosing a theme community. 然而, 尽管你可以尽早开始这个过程, 你将无法支付50美元的申请费或正式提交申请,直到5月.
    如果您在登录时看到错误消息, our portal may be operating beyond its capacity and you should wait about an hour before trying to log in again. 这不会影响应用程序的任何部分, 你不需要最可靠的买彩票平台的办公室寻求帮助.
  2. 体验周日 2024年4月13日星期六上午9:00.m. 太平洋标准时间-下午2:00.m. 太平洋标准时间

    As students are considering 最可靠的买彩票平台 for their next step in their higher education journey, this event provides students an opportunity to immerse themselves in the Titan Experience by connecting with the many programs, 资源, 以及大学提供的服务.
  3. 非一年级学生可以提交申请 2024年5月6日星期一上午9点.m. 太平洋标准时间

    非一年级学生包括 转学生,二年级学生,三年级学生,四年级学生和研究生. 分类后(大一、大二等.}, the single most important factor in determining if you will be assigned is the date we receive your application. The earlier you apply, the greater the likelihood you will be offered a bedspace in student housing.
  4. 一年级学生可以提交申请 2024年5月8日星期三上午9点.m. 太平洋标准时间

    一年级学生是第一次上大学的学生, 这还不包括转账. 分类后(大一、大二等.}, the single most important factor in determining if you will be assigned is the date we receive your application. The earlier you apply, the greater the likelihood you will be offered a bedspace in student housing.
  5. 申请人如被选为选房者,将获通知 2024年6月初

    Students will be notified if they were selected for on-campus housing and will receive instructions on 如何申请室友,如何选择房间.
  6. 房间里选择 2024年6月中旬

    被选中的学生将能够选择2024 - 2025学年的空间.
  7. 2024年6月下旬和整个学年

    We'll send individual offers for specific spaces in student housing to students who match the criteria for those spaces. Students will have a limited amount of time to accept their offer before it expires and places their application into a hold state.
  8. 住宿费将会公布 2024年7月初

  9. 取消最后期限 2024年7月15日星期一晚上11点59分

    Last day for students with confirmed room reservations to cancel their room reservations without a request. 在此日期之后, students with room reservations will need to request to be released from their space and their financial obligation. Our office will approve these requests at our sole discretion if we're able to find a replacement for your space.

    目前仍在我们等候名单上的学生(意思是……, not assigned to a space) maintain the ability to cancel their application without any special request through their Student 房地产门户网站.

    这也是学生在住房申请中更改膳食计划的最后一天. 如果学生想在此日期之后改变他们的膳食计划,他们必须使用 膳食计划变更请求在新窗口中打开 表格将由我们的工作人员审核,但不保证获得批准.
  10. 第一笔住房分期付款到期 2024年8月16日,星期五

    第一笔住房分期付款应在CSUF学生门户网站上支付. 看到我们的 分期付款时间表 了解更多信息.
  11. 天开放 2024年8月22日和23日星期四和星期五

    Students with confirmed reservations will be sent check-in instructions during the first week of August with more information. 学生将于8月22日和23日星期四或星期五到达. 请参阅我们的  开放日资料指南 !



  • 个人信息、应急准备以及医疗、残疾和饮食信息这个时候我们会问你喜欢的名字, 手机号码, 紧急联系方式, 以及你可能有的任何医疗或饮食需求. 如果你以前申请过我们的话, 我们会把你上次申请的信息保留下来, 但你需要检查一下,以确保它仍然准确.
  • 多元、公平及共融认可: 居民必须 commit to cultivating and promoting an inclusive and respectful environment for our residential community and guests.
  • 金融知识与认知今年是我们申请流程的新成员, our Financial Literacy module in the housing application is designed to help students build a strong understanding of the financial obligation of living on-campus. 本节将解释食宿费是如何收取的, 包括有关经济援助的信息, 奖学金, 学生贷款.
  • 符合条件的房间类型: We will present which of our housing communities you would be eligible for based on your student classification. 一年级学生只能住在学生宿舍. 二年级学生、三年级学生和转学生只能住在套房. 大四学生和研究生只有资格住在公寓.
  • 膳食计划这是你选择膳食计划的地方.
  • 预计食宿费: 计算住在校园里的总预计费用. 注意:这不包括学费或经济援助.
  • 室友概要: This is where you'll read more about our room assignment process and answer some questions about yourself as a potential roommate. 所有住在校园里的学生都有某种形式的室友或室友, 我们的选择都不是完全保密的. Answer this section as truthfully as possible to ensure that you can be successful with your roommate. 再一次。, 如果你以前申请过我们的话, 我们会从你之前的申请中获取这些信息.
  • 主题社区偏好: This is where you'll read about our theme community options and answer some questions about which you'd prefer.
  • GradGuard租户保险: 我们与GradGuard合作, 提供专门为学生设计的大学租客保险计划.
  • 豁免、释放、住房政策和许可协议: 居民必须签署我们具有法律约束力的许可协议合同, 以及各种豁免, 新闻稿及房屋政策. Note: Signing the Student Housing License Agreement does not guarantee that you will be assigned a bed space. 学生住房许可协议将不有效,直到你被分配到一个床位.


  • 缴付50元不可退还的申请费
  • 递交申请




您可以在4月8日星期一上午9点开始填写预申请.m. 太平洋标准时间. This pre-application includes everything from selecting your meal plan to setting up your roommate profile and choosing a theme community. 然而, 尽管你可以尽早开始这个过程, 你将无法支付50美元的申请费或正式提交申请,直到5月.

It's important to note that completing the pre-application phase doesn't guarantee you a spot in housing, 它也不算作提交完整的申请. 所以,没有必要匆忙完成它. We encourage you to take your time and fill it out thoroughly because applications won't be accepted until May.

最可靠的买彩票平台,学生宿舍是按照先到先得的原则分配的. 因此, 通过尽早开始预申请, 你有机会提前完成大部分工作, 节省你在五月提交申请的时间.


2024年6月, 被选中的申请人将收到一封电子邮件,如果他们被分配了一个房间选择时间段. Applicants will have a week to view suggested roommates or send roommate requests to specific roommates who were also assigned a room selection timeslot. The selected applicants will sign onto the housing portal during their assigned timeslot and will be able to select their bedspace from a list of available bedspaces based on gender and classification. 室友组中的单个成员可以为整个室友组选择床位. 今年的房间选择将是可选的 as applicants who choose not to participate in 房间里选择 will be randomly assigned a bedspace based on their gender and classification. All applicants must pay the first installment before move-in in order to be guaranteed their bedspace.


如果分配了一个房间选择时间段, you will have a week to view suggested roommates or send roommate requests to specific roommates who were also assigned a room selection timeslot.   You will only see potential roommates of the same gender and classification who are also selected to live on campus. 如果你选择性别包容住房, you will be able to view potential roommates of the same classification and any gender who are also selected to live on campus. 首选室友不能保证! 如果你想和某个学生成为室友, please make sure that you both apply as soon as possible since room selection timeslots are assigned on a first-eligible, 标间.

没有被选上房间的学生将被安置在我们的等候池中. 如果您被选中从等待池中抽出, you will be randomly assigned to an eligible bedspace and will not be able to request a specific roommate.


未入选选房的申请人将被安排在我们的等候池中. 最可靠的买彩票平台没有线性等候名单,因为学生宿舍是第一资格, 按性别和分类先得. 例如, a male sophomore student is only eligible for a male space in the Suites and could not be assigned to a residence hall female space. We receive cancellation requests throughout the summer and will be administratively placing applicants from our waiting pool even after Move-in Day.


“First-eligible, first-served" means that we take the earliest applicants of each classification and offer them a space in student housing. 一年级学生只能住在学生宿舍. 二年级学生、三年级学生和转学生只能住在套房. 大四学生和研究生只有资格住在公寓. 分类后(大一、大二等.}, the single most important factor in determining if you will be assigned is the date we receive your application. The earlier you apply, the greater the likelihood you will be offered a bedspace in student housing.